A rustic stone fireplace is often an important feature that is very often included in a new log home or timber frame home plan. So, if you are thinking about including a fireplace in your house plans, you need to consider what kind of fireplace would work best in your new home. As you look […]
House Features
Rustic Shutters Pictures
Custom Shutters for Rustic Homes Rustic shutters have been around for hundreds of years. Originally just functional, these rustic shutters pictures show shutters used primarily as decor. Rustic shutters can give your log cabin or cottage a bit of charm. They add character and a welcoming feel to the exterior of your cabin, and they […]
Log Railing Designs for Log Cabins
Decorative Railing for Log Home Stairs Study log railing designs when you are planning your new home in order to choose a log railing style that is both functional and decorative. Railings quickly become a focal point in log and timber frame homes. Choosing a railing is just one of several choices that you will […]
Log Home Pictures to Help You Plan
Collect Log Home Pictures Log home pictures, worth a thousand words, can give you good ideas for choosing a house plan or altering one to suit your needs. Our log cabin pictures are photos of real homes that people live in. They are not house models or stage sets of pretend log cabins and homes. […]
Building Green Homes
Green homes are sustainable, not just built with green building materials. They offer a number of benefits to you and your family, in addition to being gentle on the environment! Whether you are planning to build your dream log or timber home, or you are adding an addition to your existing home, you can include […]
Why Timber Frame Houses?
Timber Frame Houses Have Big Timbers Timber frame home style is popular with green living enthusiasts who want to use renewable resources and enjoy the magnificent beauty of big timbers and quality craftsmanship. These lovely homes can be large or small, and they can be plain or fancy. But, the one thing they all have in common is authenticity. […]
Designing Log Home Kitchens
Log home kitchens can be simple or luxurious and elegant. No longer just a rustic small kitchen design! A log cabin kitchen is often a spacious gourmet kitchen design, with all the bells and whistles. In years gone by, log cabin kitchens were simple, functional and usually pretty small. But, today, in addition to smaller traditional log and timber homes, […]
Features of Log Home Kitchens
The 7 Most Important Features of Log Home Kitchens Features of log home kitchens require that you use more imagination and creativity when laying out the plans for your new log home. Rustic kitchen design, while similar in many ways to conventional kitchen design, requires a bit more imagination and creativity. Address the 7 most important features […]
Antler Light Fixtures in a Log Home
Antler light fixtures might be just the right touch for your log or timber home. The marriage of antlers to lighting fixtures is the ultimate expression of rustic lodge lighting and cozy cabin living. These lights can be chandeliers that are architecturally graceful showpieces, or they can be as simple as an antler lamp with […]
Building a Log Cabin – How to Get Started
Building a log cabin or timber frame home can overwhelm you, but, if you take a deep breath and follow these easy steps, it will be fun, if not relaxing! The secret to building a log cabin without losing your mind or your spouse, is to break the process down into manageable pieces—and stay organized! So how […]
Rustic Kitchen Cabinets in Log Homes
Rustic kitchen cabinets add character to rustic log home kitchens. Your choice of wood and the design of the cabinets both play an important part in achieving the look that you want. Some woods give a more informal look while others will give your kitchen cabinets and rustic kitchen a more sophisticated and elegant look. Kitchen cabinets often […]
Your Country Bathroom Decor
Give Your Country Bathroom a Facelift! You can easily give your country bathroom a face lift, without the cost and hassle of building a new home. Transform your dingy bath into a lovely country bathroom with rustic décor! With just a little effort, your bathroom can literally look like a new bath. Remodeling your bathroom or just […]